Advanced Minimally Invasive Stenting Solutions

Urological Stents
URS stents – A leading minimally invasive long-term solution for malignant & benign ureteral strictures, ranging from simple stricture indication to complications management such as ureteral fistulas, ureteral bridging & anastomotic strictures.
Stents are made up of ultra-elastic coils coated with a copolymer. A detachment system enables the stents to be removed by traction.

- Convenient insertion system which can be used retrograde and antegrade under fluoroscopic control.
- Ureteral stent (nitinol plus copolymer coating) – Available from 60 to 200 mm length and from 8 to 10 mm Ø.

BUS (Bulbar Urethral Stent), RPS (Round Posterior Urethral Stent), TPS (Triangular Prostatic Stent)… alternative to surgeries.
- BUS - Bulbar Urethral Stent
BUS has been created for patient with bulbous urethral stricture recurrences. Dilation, Urethrotomy, Urethroplasty… at every step, a BUS can be used, avoiding complicated surgeries with potential post-operative complication.
- RPS - Round Posterior Stent
RPS has been created to solution bladder neck contracture offering a mini-invasive stent solution.
- TPS - Triangular Prostatic Urethral Stent
TPS has been created for patient with high-risk prostatic adenoma surgeries (TURP). In that case, patient will recover their miction ability with a quick mini-invasive stent implantation.
These three categories of stents are available with an OPS-type stent gun:

Please consult the brochures and/or Allium Medical Ltd. website for further details, size (stent diameter and length, with or without anchor…).